7 miles S of Rehoboth Beach (302) 227-2800
Managed by: Delaware State Parks
Much of the narrow sand and saltmarsh barrier that separates Rehoboth and Indian River Bays from the open ocean is preserved within Delaware Seashore State Park. Beloved of beachgoers and anglers, the park also has outstanding attractions for visiting birders.
South of Dewey Beach and north of Indian River Inlet, there are a number of short park roads that offer access to the ocean beach or to the Rehoboth Bay shore. New Road and Towers Road (Bay Side), are often very good for ducks, geese, loons and grebes in season. Any of the ocean side roads is worth a peek, both for waterbirds and, in the dune scrub, for landbirds.
Indian River Inlet is a dynamic place, a narrow channel where millions of gallons of water rush back and forth between ocean and bay. All this tidal mixing stirs up a lot of aquatic foodstuffs and brings in a rich mix of bird life. . .
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Other Birding Sites in the Ocean Beaches & Inland Bays Region:
- Cape May - Lewes Ferry
- Cape Henlopen State Park
- Silver Lake
- Delaware Seashore State Park
- James Farm Ecological Preserve
- Assawoman Wildlife Area